Grant Recommendation Form

Please use this form to recommend grants from a Fund for which you are a “distribution advisor” with the Cambridge Charitable Foundation. Please complete all sections for each recommendation and submit, or download the PDF, sign, and fax or mail to the Cambridge Charitable Foundation, 1 East Fourth Street, Suite 700, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-3705. Fax: (513) 381-0014.

Please note that the only grants that will be considered are those to organizations that are exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(note that the recommended minimum amount is $200, but grants of $100 will be considered)

I understand that the above recommendation(s) are not binding, and that the Cambridge Charitable Foundation will be guided by the grant making policies of the Cambridge Charitable Foundation generally. It is further understood that disbursements or grants from this Fund cannot fulfill commitments on an irrevocable pledge or provide a gift in which the Distribution Advisor derives any benefit.

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